Bid/RFP Status: Open – accepting bids and proposals

Bid/RFP Due Date: Friday, December 15, 2023 – 3:00 pm

Bid/RFP Reference Number: 2024-01

Town of Onancock

IFB # 2024-01- Onancock Police Department and Welcome Center

IFB Document and Drawings

The Town of Onancock is seeking sealed bids from qualified Virginia licensed contractors for renovations to the Onancock Police Department at 15 North Street and the Onancock Welcome Center at 38 Market Street.


The police department will be completely renovated to include new office areas, restrooms, an evidence room, a lobby, and Break Room areas.  Finishes include new vinyl flooring, lay-in acoustic ceilings, and cabinets and countertops.  It also includes a new roof-mounted HVAC, new electrical systems, and lighting.  Exterior work includes minor masonry infill at areas of removed windows and doors.


The Welcome Center will be completely renovated to include new office areas, public restrooms, a conference room, a lobby, and utility room areas.  Finishes include new vinyl, carpet, epoxy flooring, lay-in acoustical ceilings, and cabinets and countertops.  New roof-mounted HVAC, new electrical systems, and lighting.  Extensive plumbing work is needed for 4 restroom areas.   Exterior work includes minor masonry removal and infill at areas of new restrooms.  A new sidewalk area and an alternate for brick pavers are also included.

Sealed bids must be received at the Onancock Town Hall Office, 15 North Street, Onancock, VA 23417, before December 15, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Immediately thereafter, at 4:00 PM, all bids received by the due date and time will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers at 15 North Street, Onancock, VA. Bids received after the due date and time will remain unopened.

Work shall begin no later than February 1, 2024, and will ideally be completed 180 days after the award of the contract. Your estimate of total days will be included in your bid.

Architectural and mechanical engineering drawings are available electronically for no charge.  There is a charge for printed copies.

