The Town of Onancock is seeking sealed bids from qualified Virginia-licensed contractors for renovations to the Onancock Wharf Patio at the end of Market Street near King Street.

Scope of Work

Work shall include excavating between 12-18 inches, laying geotextile fabric, using a minimum of 8-12 inches of compacted ¾” crushed stone (compacted every 2-3 inches), adding 4-6 inches of dense-graded-aggregate (DGA), providing a 1” bed for pavers (sand), lay concrete pavers in pattern provided by owner, sweeping fine sane between the joints (polymeric sand is an add/alternate), compacting entire surface after laying the pavers, edge restraints around perimeter. The Belgard concrete pavers will cover approximately 2,100 square feet.

*Work shall begin no earlier than November 1, 2024, and be completed before December 15, 2024.

If your company does not meet all requirements, submit your bid. The review team will prioritize those companies that meet the requirements, but you will be considered.

Sealed bids must be received at the Onancock Town Hall Office, 15 North Street, Onancock, VA 23417, before Friday, June 28, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Immediately thereafter, at 3:05 PM, all bids received by the due date and time will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers at 15 North Street, Onancock, VA. Bids received after the due date and time will be returned unopened.

Fri, Jun 28, 2024
