Business Resources

Licenses and Permits
Business License
Meals Tax

Town Businesses

Pay Bill
Property Tax

Building or Renovations
Near the Creek
Sign Permit
Available Properties

Service Request
Submit a Request, Ask A Question

Forms Library
Forms Library

Open/Closed Bids

Building or Renovation Process

The first step for all businesses and residents of The Town of Onancock who plan to build or renovate within town limits is to obtain an approved Building and Zoning Application from the Town.  This is for all exterior projects.

Once you receive the Town’s permit, take it to the Accomack County Building and Zoning Office.  They will not process your building application without an approved permit from the Town.

Their telephone number is (757-787-5721).

You need to work with the Town and the County because the Town administers all town ordinances and zoning, and the town outsources all building permits and inspections to the County.

These building codes are serious safety precautions, and our zoning regulations protect the town’s character and creek.

Contact Information

Town Hall
15 North Street
Onancock, VA 23417