Onancock Design Workshop

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Onancock Design Workshop

May 17, 2023 @ 9:30 am

Onancock Design Workshop

May 17 – 18, 2023

Hill Studio Design team will come to Onancock for a 2-day intense period.  Items to be studied:

  1. Lighting, Signage, and Parking
  2. How they can all go together, to compose memorable and cherished places.

Day 1  Wednesday, May 17 – 20 Market Street 

9:00 AM   Team Set up

9:30 AM   Awareness Walks

Members of Town Council, and the General Public are invited to meet the Design team, and go on a topic walk, to give the design team direction on design.

1. Lighting Walk – led by Greg Webster

2. Mobility and Parking Walk – led by Wade Walker

3. Signage Walk – led by Peter Girardeau

10:30 AM Debriefing

11:00 AM – to  5:00 PM        Design Team Work Session
Design Team works in Facility to explore the ideas brought forward during the Awareness Walks, and ideas posted by citizens on the project webpage.
Public can drop-in and be toured around during the work session.
5:00 PM – Pin-up Session

The Public is invited to see initial ideas developed during afternoon session and elicit Parking, Signage, Lighting feedback.


Day 2  Thursday, May 18  –   Historic Onancock School Community & Cultural Center

                                                6 College Ave Onancock, VA


9:00 AM   – to  6:00 PM        Design Team Work Session

Consulting team works all day in Onancock, refining initial recommendations according to feedback, and developing an annotated PowerPoint that outlines recommended actions and strategies for parking and connectivity, recommendations for lighting, and for signage.  Public can drop-in and be toured around during the work session.

6:00 PM    Public Presentation to Onancock

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