
Chipping of limbs and branches is one of the most appreciated town services.  Here are a few guidelines:

  • Chipping begins the Monday of the first full week of the month.
  • If you have a tree removal service or a landscaper, they should remove the brush.
  • The Town will not take more than one pick-up load of brush.  They will leave the excess.
  • No more than ten bags or cans will be taken.
  • Loose materials must be in bags or cans.  They will not be taken outside of a can or bag.
  • Please consider putting loose materials (leaves, etc.) in waste cans or paper bags.  We want to avoid placing greenery inside plastic bags.
  • We will not take limbs more than 6 inches in diameter.
  • Please place the cut ends toward the street.
  • Cut the length down to no more than 6-8 feet.  This is a safety precaution with the chipper.
  • We will not remove any bag weighing more than 40 pounds.

It is the sole discretion of the Public Works employees performing the service if they remove the brush; it may be too large a pile, materials other than the brush could be in a pile, the bags may weigh too much, or for any reason, he or she deems necessary.

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