Trash and Recycling

Trash Pickup

  • Trash is picked up on Wednesday.
  • The Town contracts with Davis Disposal for trash pickup services.
  • Davis Disposals’ telephone number is 757-442-7979, and their email is
  • Each residence or business receives one tote.  Additional carts are available directly through Davis Disposal at an additional fee set by them.
  • Place the tote curbside the previous night to avoid being missed by the driver.
  • The town’s agreement with Davis allows for one cart and no more than one small bag next to the tote.
  • Construction or demolition materials are strictly forbidden; your trash will not be removed if detected.
  • Do not place anything on top of your cart.
  • Do not put your cart within five feet of any stationary object.
  • If you are asked to place your cart on the opposite side of the street, that is because on some of our narrow streets, the driver must back up, and having all carts on the side of the truck’s arm saves time and is safer.
  • Contact Davis if there are any defects to the tote.  Cleaning the cart is the customer’s responsibility.
  • Onancock Ordinance 28-20 stipulates that totes may be placed at the curb no more than 24 hours before collection and must be removed within 24 hours.

You see, many guidelines are in place to allow the driver to use the automated truck and avoid having the driver exit the truck.  When the driver is required to exit the truck, it takes more time, and the time it takes to perform this service determines its cost.


  • There is no curbside recycling program on the Shore.
  • Accomack County provides recycling services.  This link takes you to the
    County’s Convenience Center website.
  • The County does not recycle glass.  The town is investigating a glass recycling program but has not found a solution.
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